
Sunday, November 1, 2015

Why Don't You Grow Up?

You'd think this is a post for my children, (sometimes I do say this phrase in my head when I'm dealing with childish behavior from adult children) but I really mean it about myself.  I am 40 years old.  40 for pete's sake, and still sometimes uncertain of my next step in life!  Do any of you feel this way at times?

I bought this awesome heart shirt on, and the maxi skirt is a Target $5 clearance rack special in size XL from last year...or was it two years ago?

So I made it to the 90 days, which takes a lot of stress off me.  I am doing career type stuff now; I am going to be an officer in 2016 for my local chapter of coders, going to meetings, wearing scrubs to work and being as corporate as possible.  Some days, I feel very accomplished.  Others, I feel like a kid playing grown up.  Hello, why am I in a business meeting?!?!  I'm a DOOF.

It appears to me that my husband and I are done on the baby front.  I imagine God can come down and surprise me whenever He wants to, if He chooses to do so.  We have not made any changes to what we do...which means, we do not use any birth control.  Of course with him being a trucker, sometimes he is not home at certain times.  Not only that, but I only have one fallopian tube, so I'm assuming that I only ovulate 6 times per year, and I don't know which 6.

I was considering going back to college and getting my bachelor's and master's degrees.  But that would mean that I am destined for the corporate life, and frankly, I don't know if I have the personality for being corporate 40+ hours per week.  I am mentally exhausted from being in an office from 8 to 5, Monday through Friday.  I imagine this might be how my Bucket feels, having to be social all day and not really having the capacity to do so.  As I've spent more and more time in the office, the thought has occurred that I might be on the spectrum.  I cannot wait to get out of there at 5pm and I hide at lunch so I don't have to do the small talk thing.  So perhaps instead of getting my bachelor's and master's in health care administration, I should just get another coding certification (under $1000, my company would pay for part of it, I would make more money in the long run).  Pretty sure that my long term goal is to be a medical coder working from home.  And I don't need my bachelor's for that.

Oh, and I'm apparently growing my hair out very, very long again.  As much as I love short hair on women, I have learned that it doesn't work on me unless I choose to commit to once a month hair cuts and color.  And I just don't have time or money to deal with that.  This is me back in 2007, I believe.  Wow, I've lost quite a bit of weight since this photo.  My husband loved this hair, and I have to admit it was easy to care for; because it was so long, it was silky smooth.  So, are you ready for my "I'm so sick of this long hair and ridiculous humidity" rants that I am so well known for?

Just stop in and say hi, peeps.  I'll try to do better stopping by and saying hello.

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