Mr. R and I took the kiddos to Tampa Bay. We arrived Saturday afternoon. After unpacking (throwing suitcases and backpacks on the floor) we decided to go to the Hard Rock Casino. I know, I brought kids to a casino. What can I say, I'm classy like that.
How many of you started to sing the song when you saw the picture? I know I did. |
My girl in front of a store. It had to happen. |
Awesomely weird guitar. |
I took tons of pics of guitars, because both Mr. R and Tiger play. |
I was standing directly below, trying to get a shot. It was huge, and very tall! |
Waiting to get dinner. |
He has a Mountain Dew addiction. |
We were right near the kitchen, so she was watching the chefs. And was dismayed to see not a single female chef. She LOVED the Hard Rock. |
Me and my handsome husband! |
Ok, now, Florida has a very strict no smoking law for both bars and restaurants. It honestly did not occur to me that this casino would have smokers. After about two hours, poor Tiger started feeling sick. He has a condition called costrochondritis which smoking does tend to affect. Costochondritis is when the cartilage between the ribs because inflamed and a person has difficulty breathing. It is not asthma, but a lot of the symptoms feel the same. Well, I ended up taking Tiger home early. Luckily, our hotel included free shuttle service back and forth to the casino. So I called them on my cell phone, and they came to pick us up. We walked in the door, and I immediately ordered Tiger into the shower so he could steam up and get the smoke out of his lungs. Then I took his clothes and tied them up in a plastic bag so he couldn't breathe it in. Hey, want to see our room?
This was Tiger before the costochondritis issue. |
Mr. R called this "the dirty pond view." I laughed for a good five minutes after he said this, but I am very easily amused. |
This tiny sofa was a double bed, and this is where Tiger slept. There are two reasons why he got this bed to himself. 1) He was so gassy that no one wanted to be near him. 2) He had a major case of chub rub and had to sleep with only underwear on, and lots of powder. |
We shared one bathroom for FOUR DAYS. Worst part of the vacation. |
They were fighting over something. I don't even try to find out why anymore. |
Tiger watching TV, Missy trying to look cute. |
Me and my handsome husband again! Stay tuned for Day 2! |
Oh Fun!!!
I've been on vacation, too. Camping. It was fun, but Doug wasn't much there.
We haven't been camping in YEARS. We only go in winter here...summer is too awful to sleep in it outside.
Yes, I did start singing it when I saw that photo! Lol. I've only been to Hard Rock in Anaheim, CA, but I don't think it was as big as this one. Looks like fun!
Your family is so cute. Does Missy want to be a chef? She should totally do that, even if there aren't a lot of women in the field. If it's something she loves, the hard work will all be worth it.
Aw, Jen, thanks for the compliment! Yes, Missy does want to be a chef. In fact, she tends to do most of the cooking around here. She especially loves baking, like cookies and cakes. But she also makes mean tacos and will make chicken quite a few ways!
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