
Monday, September 7, 2009

Stupid Ants

I got up this morning, and poured myself a lovely cup of coffee. Lingered at the table. Ahhhh, I love Mondays when I don't have to work. Sleepy Bucket got up and went to pour himself a bowl of cereal. I was still barely awake when his shriek made me jump out of the chair.

"BUUUUGGGGGGGGSSSSSSSSS! Bugs in my cereal! Bugs in my Reese's PUFFFFFFFFFSSSSSS!" the boy howled. I looked in the box, and sure enough. Ants. Ants everywhere. I looked on the pantry floor. It looked like a buffet line of ants. Crap. There went my lazy day. I threw out the cereal, and opened a new box up. No bugs in the cereal, but there were bugs in the box. Ahhh, I see what is going on here. The ants were eating the glue in the cardboard boxes. I spent more than $70 this morning at Publix buying plastic containers, ant poison, toilet cleaner and detergent (well, I needed those last two anyway.) I swept and mopped the pantry floor, then laid down the poison. Let it sit for about an hour while I finally finished my coffee. I threw out all the cardbox boxes, put all the dry goods in the plastic containers, swept the pantry floor again (dead ants already) and put all the food back. Three hours.
In the middle of the craziness, my mom calls. They want to stop by. BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Sure, why not. I told my mom about the ants. She laughed and said, yeah, that happens. I remember we had problems with ants when we lived in NY too, so it's not just a southern thing.
Well, at least my kitchen is clean, right?

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