
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Back to School for Mommy

Hi there! As of tomorrow, which is the historic 09/09/09, I will be a part time student at Herzing University again. I am super excited to be back. I'm also super excited because most of my prerequisites are out of the way and I can take the classes that I actually find interesting; medical coding!

Oh dear. Did someone just fall asleep?

I know most people find medical insurance and coding stuff boring. But after being in this field for 8 1/2 years, I feel like I'm just getting started. Despite my occasional kvetching, I actually do enjoy my work and feel very accomplished when I've had a great day. Today I completed 37 accounts, which is a good day. It's also nice when I can help people with a question about their insurance, or give them advice about how to manage their medical bills. For example, when my grandfather lived in Florida, I helped him with his medical bills a lot. Caught some errors and fixed them. I hated his insurance (not medicare) but with my knowledge, I was able to fix a lot of stuff. It ain't pretty, it ain't fancy, but it sure comes in handy. Not only that, but it will be a cold day in hell when anyone confuses me with coverage information or copays and deductibles. I can do them in my head so HAHAHAHAHA!

Anyway, as of tomorrow, I am taking Basic Diagnosis Coding I. Could I be more excited?!? This is the class that is eventually going to get me making more money at the hospital! Hooray!!! I do mostly procedure coding now so this is a bit different for me, but I'm so ready for the challenge. I'm glad I took the summer off to relax, play with my kids, and generate some new brain cells. But I'm ready to jump back in.

Hooray for being a geeky nerd who is excited about learning something new!


Unknown said...

So excited for you! School is a lot of work, but it should pay for itself in the end.

Elspeth said...

Congratulations, Sarah. Do well!

Michelle said...

Woo-hooo!! On a side note ~ my two oldest sisters do medical coding for a living! See! We we have to be sisters separated at birth or something!! Congrats my friend!! :)

Sarah R said...

That is a truly odd coincidence, Michelle. How did my twin end up in Texas?

Anonymous said...

My wife went to medical coding school and she couldn't be happier. It seems to be a great career for people looking to go back and learn something new.

Sarah R said...

Guys, I do not endorse the link this guy inserted into his comment. FYI.