
Monday, March 23, 2009

You Shall be Missed, Cheeseburger with Fries and a Coke

You could say I went out with a bang.
Another doctor appointment. Been seeing my doctor now for a month, and I have not lost ONE STINKIN POUND. Even with me being sick and vomiting and all the other glorious stuff that illness brings. NOT ONE POUND.
At least I'm consistent, right? I made the nurse crack up when I came up to the scale, and said, "Hello, nemesis!" But that's what us fat people do when we're uncomfortable, right? I may be fat, but at least I'm funny! Bwahahahaha!
My doctor? I can't make him laugh. I cracked a joke and he stared at me as if I had recited baseball stats in Korean. Crap. Humor won't save me with this guy. He said, "Are you serious about losing weight?" Well, duh. I mean I've been serious for a while. I lose ten, I gain ten. I lose twenty, I gain twenty. I know *how*. It's keeping it off that is hard to do. He asked me if I owned a scale. I laughed. He said, "I'd really suggest you purchase a scale and weigh yourself at least once a week. Reasonable weight loss should be two pounds per week." Sigh...
So I went out with my bang. Right after I left his office, I went to Target and bought a super duper digital scale. It came with a Biggest Loser dvd. And then I got McDonalds. A cheeseburger with lettuce, onions and tomatoes. And fries. With a Coke.
And it was good. Because this is going to be my last burger fries and drink for a long time. I'm really going to try. And I'm going to aim for two pounds a week. And even if I can keep up with two pounds per week, it's going to take me...sigh....fifty five weeks to reach my goal. 110 pounds. So this time next year, I'll be taking donations for my plastic surgery to get rid of the twenty pounds of leftover skin. You've been warned. I'll set up a paypal acct for ya'll.


mom2nji said...

You go girl. I should really join you... said as I eat a publix sub...

Sarah R said...

Publix subs ROCK. They're more addictive than crack and smell so amazing...oh my word my mouth just filled with saliva.

Kelly said...

You can do it Sarah. How are you going to do it?

Dry skin brushing while you are losing will help tone up your skin and you'll be less flabby. I'll get ya some links on it if you like. I'm out of the habit, but will be doing it again daily as soon as my girlfriend has her baby and I am home. If I start, then leave for the week (I'm her labor coach and staying a week to help them out), I will again be out of the habit. That's also when I'll start walking the dog LOL.

Sarah R said...

Dry brushing skin? Like with a comb or something. You have to post a link to this, girl!

Miriam said...

hahaha, you're so funny! I eat an apple before every meal to make sure I don't over eat (apples give me gas... if you catch my bloated drift). If apples don't work for you, find a gassy fruit that does! Cheers!

Sarah R said...

Is this what I'm going to be subjected to when I come to visit? Apples and gas? Oh my...