
Monday, March 23, 2009

Getting Up Early

When I was at church yesterday, I felt convicted. To be truthful, I don't remember a thing about the sermon, because our pastor was in the middle of a series that I'd missed the first part of, so I was lost. But our church has a funny little saying, in that we have "QT" which stands for Quiet Time. And Pastor said, "How are ya'll doing on your QT?"

I had to think. Well, if it's ever quiet around here, I will fall asleep in seconds. I am definitely at a point in my life where I feel bedraggled and exhausted. My health is still not 100% (I'd say it's around 75-80% these days) I work full time, take care of three kids, and desperately trying to keep up with my classes at school. Between cleaning the house, laundry, and trying to fit in some fun with my kids so they don't revolt on me, I'm TIRED. But is that really an excuse for me not being in the Word?

I decided to set my alarm for 5:45. About 30-40 minutes earlier than normal. I knew it was going to be hard. I LOVE sleeping. I love my bed, I love my pillows, I love my big old clunky fan and my warm snuggly blanket. I admit, I hit the snooze button twice, but I always do anyway. Twice is not bad for me, I've been known to smack that thing four or five times. But I got up, at about 5:55. Went potty, turned on the coffee pot, got my Bible off the shelf, and sat at my very cluttered dining room table. (note to self...ummm, clean it.) I prayed, "Dear Lord, you know I am new to getting up early to be with You. So please keep me awake and allow the reading of your Word to impact my life. Amen." I'm telling you, praying does not have to be fancy talk with "thous" and "thees". I think of it as a simple conversation. It feels more honest to me that way, but obviously you should do whatever works for you. ;)

I read the first three books of Acts. I picked it because that is what Bucket is learning in his Sunday school class, and I figured if he asked me a question, I should know what's going on, lol. I've read those passages before, but I felt warm and happy when I was done. I'm going to try and make reading my Bible in the morning a Monday-Friday habit. I'm obviously in the Word on Sunday anyway, and I'm more flexible on Saturdays since I'm not working, so I don't have to get up early. So while I am super sleepy still, I feel like I started my day off in a great way. Now, how is YOUR quiet time these days? Are your days packed like mine? Or do you have more flexibility? Can you figure out a way to have less of you, and more of Him?

Now, onto my coffee. Come on, I'm still Sarah! You know I was brewing while I was in His Word, right?

1 comment:

Kathi said...

Thanks for the gentle reminder...
I've been neglecting the Lord in the mornings too. Hope you have a sweet peaceful day.