
Friday, March 20, 2009

What a Fool

Are you ready for change? Are you? It's apparently acceptable for the President of our country to ridicule the handicapped. Special Olympics bowling? How dare you. How dare you take an opportunity to poke fun at people who can't help how they were born, or how they were injured. It is not amusing to me AT ALL that this is considered humor.
This is change you can keep. Fool.


Anonymous said...

I've been wandering why this particular comment hasn't been called out by the media more. It's pretty reprehensible. I couldn't agree more.

mom2nji said...

girl you know I am a Obama fan, but when I woke up to this news story I was BLOWN away! I blasted it on facebook and twitter. I am ashamed for him. Just sad and as you said it foolish.

Sarah R said...

Jenni, I didn't know you were on facebook. I'll find you! kidding. You know if it had been a Republican, the cries for his head on a platter would have been worldwide news.