
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Nothing To Say.

My life. It is...boring! (picture me laying across a chaise with my hand up to my head, peeps.)

Still no reschedule for the reversal. Mr. R is adamant about not going until summer. Spring Break is too close, plus he wants to do some spring time planting. That's cool. Easier to get a sitter in the summer anyway. Shockingly, I am not freaked out at all. I already requested the time off work and was approved, but that time will not go to waste. I will help Mr. R with the planting, enjoy some time off with my kids, and not think about FH! Besides, I get 7 weeks of vacation anyway (No, that's not a typo. I really get seven weeks. Seniority, what can I say?) So I'm not worried about my vacation time. It will happen when it happens.

So, I was thinking about starting something new on my blog. I have treated this a lot as an online diary, which is fine and dandy. But I wanted to get a bit deeper. So...


Every Wednesday...


Basically, I am going to choose a verse, talk a bit about what it means to me, and then ask ya'll what it means to you. I am no Bible scholar by any means, and I hope to learn a lot myself in my series here. Any verse is game, although I admit anything in Revelation confuses the pajamas off me. I particularly love Psalms, Proverbs, Romans, and Song of Solomon. I'll probably start off with my strong points and then venture into more unknown territory. Be patient with me. I've been a Sunday school teacher many times, so I can talk about Noah and rainbows and Daniel in the lion's den until I turn blue in the face. I may go there anyway. But let's have fun learning about our Lord, how much He loves us, and see what He has to teach us.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Sarah, I love this idea! I'll be back to see what verses you choose.