
Saturday, January 3, 2009

What To Do

Happy New Year, peeps. Mr. R is finally on his way, he is driving a load of citrus on its way to Philly. He was home for almost two weeks, and while it's a blessing to have him, it hurts because he wasn't working. He told me he can't home for at least two to three weeks in order to catch up financially. I'm sad, but I understand. It was wonderful having him here. I didn't have to cook for two blessed weeks, ya'll!

I have two bits of news. While we are blessed that Mr. R's company is giving us smaller weekly payments on the new truck, it is going to keep him away for the next two years or so. Yes, we miss him, but we are also grateful because this basically guarantees that Mr. R's job is safe for the next two years. The company will not want to let him go before he settles his debt with them. So I guess in this weird way, debt can be a good thing? Can you tell I'm reaching?

Second, I logged onto the physician website today that we had chosen for our vasectomy reversal. I was shocked to realize that he raised his rates by 20%! Now I'm not really sure if I can pull the money together that we require for the reversal. Maybe I should just forget about the whole thing. After all, I have a husband who is not home, three kids in an already crammed house, and I couldn't even quit my job once I had a baby, as I carry the health insurance on our entire family.
~Sigh~ I just feel sort of sad. I had really wanted to have another baby, but between my finances and my age, I am wondering if I'm just dreaming.

Then again, cashing in the remainder of my 401k before I lose the entire thing, and spending it on a future baby (or babies?) may be the smartest thing I ever do. I've seen the retirement fund I've worked on for seven years disappear over the past two years. Why not use it now for what I really want? After all, I'm only 33, right? That gives me 32 more years before I theoretically retire at age 65 to get it back on track.



mom2nji said...

Can you guess what I am going to say??

Go for it! You are not even close to old (Cuz then I would be too) You have wanted a baby as long as I have known you. GO FOR IT. The Lord will provide!

Besides who needs a 401k anyway??

Sarah R said...

I love you, Jen. You are too good to me!
Maybe if I started couponing like you, I wouldn't be so freaked out over money, lol.
We ARE going to go for it. Now I just have to get the paperwork started to withdraw the money.