
Friday, October 24, 2008

Awesome Vacation

I went nowhere. Don't ask me how my flight was, or what sights I saw. I got tons of housework done, ate real food, and spent time with my husband. Oh, and my husband had court. He got a ticket for running a red light, which he said he didn't do. He contested the charge, and since the cop who wrote the ticket didn't show up for court, the ticket was thrown out and we didn't have to pay anything. Hooray!!!
Today, I was thrilled to receive the rest of my office furniture that I had ordered. What I was NOT thrilled about, is that I clearly didn't order enough. I have my awesome four drawer desk, my comfy chair, a filing cabinet and a 6 foot tall bookcase. One would think a 6 foot tall bookcase could contain my needs. One would be wrong!!! You see, I do not like crap on top of my desk. Seriously. Icky icky poo. So I ordered the 6 foot bookcase, assuming I could put my cpu, my shredder, and my 4 in 1 (scanner, copier, fax, printer) in the bookcase. Next time I go furniture shopping, give me a tape measure. While I was correct that the cpu and shredder fit, I was dead wrong on the 4 in 1. So that is top of my desk. It's annoying, yet kind of handy. I can reach my faxes the second it comes in, which I guess is ok. I'll get used to it.
However, I still have my coding books, my school books, reams of paper, and all my scrapbook paraphenelia that needs somewhere to go. Right now, they are still in laundry baskets on the floor. I'd like my laundry baskets back, please.
Mr. R even agreed that I should have gotten the extra bookcase. Actually, what he said was, "Dammit, Sarah, you sure have a lot of @$!&%! to put away." But that is his way of telling me to order another bookcase. Wouldn't ya'll agree?
I was still thinking about my options (you know, by throwing stuff on the ground and pouting, thats how I put stuff away) when the salesman called to make sure I was happy. Well, I admitted I was halfway happy, but could be a lot happier. I asked him if there were any more of those bookcases in stock. He went to his handy dandy computer and told me he had 9 left. I told him to reserve one for me, as I had sorely misjudged my capacity for crap collecting. I'm sure this guy was thinking, "Holy mackeral, how much junk does this chick have?" Well, chicky here does have a lot of stuff. And since I don't have an office with a door that closes, my stuff is in the very front room of the house. So it needs to look presentable.
Anyway, that's my story, and I'm all sticking to it and stuff. No new camera yet, but be prepared. I'm pretty sure I will have one by this weekend. I think.

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