
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Ovulation Test Strips

I ordered ovulation test strips on Amazon, along with my pregnancy strips.  They are weird.
You treat them just like pregnancy test strips.  If you get two lines, you're ovulating.  Except that if you have a faint line, you're not.  And please tell me what the difference is between a faint line, and a line.  A line is a line.  So I got two lines today, and it's only day 7 of my cycle.  I shouldn't have two line until Wednesday or Thursday.  So just to be on the safe side, I insisted Mr. R hook a girl up before he left on a trip to New Orleans.  Shockingly enough, he did not complain.  ;)

He had family in town last night.  It was a cousin of his he had not seen since 1984.  We all met at one of my favorite restaurants of all time....PONCE INLET HARBOR.  Peeps, I love that place.  They have the best warm rolls and they serve it with key lime butter.  I did not stutter.  KEY. LIME. BUTTER.  It is to die for!!!  I had grilled mahi mahi with broccoli and a baked potato.  I was a happy camper indeed.  Then we had our picture taken on the dock after dinner.  I hate taking pictures after I've eaten.  All I want is a nap!

I love love love.  DESPISE his hair.  Seriously.  Honey, I love you so much.  You are the macaroni to my cheese.  But you are 40 years old now and you look ridiculous.  Love, Sarah.

He has a new laptop, too.  I hope he does more than read his conspiracy theory websites on it.  I'd like to see if I can beat him on Words with Friends.

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