My biological father died. I was a mess for a good, long while. Guilt, sorrow, doubt...all nasty things which like to creep into our souls when we're down. In the year since his death, I swore I'd lose weight so I wouldn't die early like him. Well, that didn't happen. Sigh...I am too soft on myself. I went on Ken's son's facebook page and stole this picture. I figure, you had him as a father your entire life, I guess I can take a picture off your page. I almost died laughing when I saw the picture. I make the same smirk. It made me laugh.
Same eyebrows? Check. Same nose. Yes...thanks a lot, jerk. Same smile. Indeed. Same love for the color red, and Dr. Sheldon Cooper? Bazinga! |
Apparently, we had a lot in common. A love for Billy Joel, the NY Mets, coffee, Pepsi products, and type 2 diabetes. I think he would have liked me, had he ever gotten to really know me.
It's been a good year. I moved on. I *had* to move on. Living in the past is boring.
Thanks, hon. Hugs are always welcomed.
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