
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A Week Went By?

Wow. Sorry guys. I've just been working, exercising, and agonizing over some of the worst menstrual cramps I've had in years. I threatened to rip my uterus out and set it on fire in the driveway if Mr. R didn't bring me some Advil. Dramatic, no? Too bad. It worked.

I did ok with my exercise until spicy burrito week welcomed itself into my life again. It's hard to pedal a bicycle when you wish your innards would fall out and combust. But that's okay, because I'll be back in a few days, good as new!

Work is crazy busy. Today I finally have a lull in my schedule. I have my coffee, my Advil, and my blood pressure meds. What could possibly go wrong?

In other uninteresting news, I finally threw away my beloved black cords. A final rip in the seam going down my thigh convinced me. The fabric was so frayed I couldn't fix it anyway. Besides my dress pants for work (the black Lane Bryants, the brown Lane Bryants, and the gray pin stripe Lane Bryants I scored at the Goodwill), my workout pants, and my one pair of jeans, I have NO PANTS. I'm not sure if I'm going to remedy the situation, or become a skirts/dresses kind of girl. I have to admit, here in the swamp, I'm getting to the point where I want to wear the skirts. It is SO HOT. Unfortunately, being a rather pale lady, with black hair, means I have to shave EVERY SINGLE DAY in order to pull this off. Mr. R will probably be grateful for it, but I find it a nuisance. Yet, which is worse, shaving or heatstroke?

Anyway, my Lane Bryant pants don't even fit that great. I've lost weight, which is awesome. But now they pucker in the crotch which is not a look I'm fond of. But I'm not small enough to go down a size, or else I create a lovely muffin top. So I'm guessing it's time for me to embrace my razor.


Kelly said...

Sarah! Go to the skirt girl. As soon as the weather is warm enough to wear cute shoes, I wear mostly skirts. Long or short. Doesn't matter. I love them!

They are so comfy in hot weather. A skirt swooshing around your ankles gives a nice breeze. They are light and flowy and so comfy.

I confess, I do have every day. I do not like stubble at all. So out of vanity, I shave every day year round. It only takes a couple minutes, and once it's part of your routine, you just automatically do it :)

Sarah R said...

I think someday I may splurge for the laser treatment.